True front

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Zwart Front (Black Front), later renamed Nationaal Front (Nationale Front), was a fascist organization and political party in the Netherlands that was active from 1934 to 1941 .

In May 1934, the politician Arnold Meijer founded the right-wing extremist , anti-Semitic and anti-capitalist Zwart Front , which was more oriented towards Mussolini's Italian fascism than German National Socialism. The party aimed primarily at Catholic voters and medium- sized companies and its members were recruited from the Algemeene Nederlandsche Facisten Bond (General Dutch Fascist League, ANFB) . After the condemnation of the Zwart Front by Roman Catholic bishops who called for loyalty to the Queen, Democracy and the Roman Catholic State Party, Catholic voters' interest in the Zwart Front quickly waned. Many members and supporters separated from the organization.

In the elections for the Second Chamber in 1937, the party received 8,178 votes - too few to get a seat.

After the occupation of the country by the Germans, the party renamed Nationaal Front in April 1940 offered the occupiers a collaboration. However, it imposed various conditions, for example that of remaining an independent Dutch organization. When Germany called on the Dutch to go to war against the Soviet Union , Meijer, on behalf of the Nationaal Front, insisted that Dutch soldiers take their oath on the Dutch flag. Meijer had previously written a letter to Adolf Hitler personally on behalf of the Zwart Front and criticized the persecution of the Jews in the German Reich . To end the discussions, Germany banned the organization in December 1941.

See also

Web links

Commons : Zwart Front  - collection of images, videos and audio files