National education

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The National Education (rarely, National Education ) is the process of conscious and / or unconscious mediation "national cultural" values , norms , traditions , behavior - and attitude patterns . By government (. Eg school) and / or social (eg family , Mass media ) institutions. The methodology and didactics of national education are subject to time-bound changes. However, the focus on the subject of the nation or the nation- state as a reference object and frame of reference for individual and collective education remains the same .


National education aims to convey norms, values, etc. that are accorded a binding status for all members of a nation. As a rule, the objective in terms of content is to educate people to become loyal and active citizens in the sense of an established national political and social philosophy. For a long time, this involved conveying a positively understood national consciousness (compare also: identity consciousness ), i. H. the awareness of belonging to a temporal-historical continuum based on common characteristics (e.g. language , ancestry ) and collective experiences, as well as imparting knowledge about historical, political and social structures, processes and / or events in the nation-state or . “ Cultural national ” context, at the heart of national education .

National cultural delimitation as an instrument of legitimation

The assumption of the existence or the construction of "national cultural" values ​​enables a demarcation from other nations and the legitimation of different value systems for different application inside and outside a nation. It is often necessary to construct such a difference when one nation claims resources but another nation has control over them. The function of the nation can even be to serve as an instrument of legitimation and to justify interference in other nations with other "national cultures". The conditioning required for this had to be provided by national education - an idea that was first propagated in Germany by Romanticism and in the Prussian reform period (as by Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn ) as a distinction from the cultural hegemony of France and later from historicism . Since the politically fragmented Germany had no ethnically clearly definable borders vis-à-vis the neighboring states, attempts were made to establish a national culture and national consciousness on an ethnic basis.

A practical example of the use of national education is given by China in adopting terms whose penetration into the Chinese "national culture" cannot be prevented. Terms like "human rights", "rule of law" and "market economy" are given the attribute "with a Chinese tinge" (Zhong Guo Te Se, 中国 特色) and thus a controlled new meaning. This practice of national education shows that "national culture" exists, but that national education is not limited to conveying a static and always already existed national culture, but is used for the needs-based construction of a national culture that can be instrumentalized. Under authoritarian regimes, the need is only prescribed by a few officials, but national education is also used in democratic societies as an instrument of a recursively constructed ethics of justification. Warring nations in particular provide concrete examples.

A positive effect of national education would be the preservation and expansion of the civilization achievements that have been achieved within a nation over a long history and often at great sacrifice. Here national education appears legitimate as an instrument of demarcation against harmful influences. However, there are at least three facts to counter this:

  • The benefit or the harmfulness of external influences is often assessed differently within a nation by its citizens. Example: "Multicultural" debate in Germany.
  • National achievements have often been achieved not only through sacrifice within one nation, but through harm to other nations. If the latter becomes stronger, then the legitimation possibilities of all participating nations change.
  • Entrepreneurial organizations have emerged whose economic power can marginalize the power of nations. With the rise of global companies, ethics of justification that are tailored to their interests emerge, which are incompatible with national ethics of justification, although companies want to preserve the differences caused by national delimitation where this offers them economic advantages. The truth constructions of entrepreneurially oriented justification ethics are currently accepted, however, because the truth constructions of national justification ethics already cultivated an ignorance which now hinders the critical examination of new constructions of truth.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Beck: Power and counterpower in the global age. New world political economy. 2002, ISBN 3518413627
  2. ^ Matthias Rittner: Theories and concepts of national education from German Romanticism to National Socialism. Dissertation, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg 2012 Online ; see. also Stübig 2006.


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