Yaguas National Park

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Yaguas National Park
Brown woolly monkey
Brown woolly monkey
Yaguas National Park (Peru)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 2 ° 55 ′ 0 ″  S , 71 ° 31 ′ 16 ″  W.
Location: Loreto , Peru
Surface: 8689 km²
Founding: January 11, 2018
Arapaima gigas
Arapaima gigas
Crocodile caiman
Crocodile caiman
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The Yaguas National Park is located in the Loreto department near the Colombian border in Peru . It was declared a national park on January 11, 2018 and covers an area of ​​8689 km² in the tropical rainforest. It is crossed by numerous rivers, such as Río Putumayo and Río Yaguas . In the basin of the Río Putumayo it forms a huge biological corridor with the national parks Río Puré , Cahuinari and Amacayacu in Colombia and the nature reserves Maijuna Kichwa and Ampiyacu Apayacu in Peru.


The national park was created at the urging of the 23 surrounding indigenous communities and other indigenous associations. In July 2017, in a joint communiqué, they called for the Peruvian government to declare the area a national park in order to prevent illegal logging and illegal gold mining.


There is a tropical climate with 88% humidity. The mean temperature is 27 ° C and fluctuates between 21 ° C and 32.3 ° C. The annual rainfall is 2827 mm, the rainy season is from December to May.


There are 600 bird, 150 mammal, 110 amphibian and 100 reptile species in the national park . The animal species include the brown woolly monkey , anteater , lowland tapir , giant otter , Amazon manatee , Amazon dolphin , caiman and forest turtle . There are also 300 species of fish, including those that do not swim through the forest, feed on fruits and live on branches, as well as the largest freshwater fish in the world, the Arapaima gigas .


The most common tree species in the national park include sandbox tree , Cedrelinga cateniformis , Simarouba amara , Macrolobium acaciaefolium (Benth.) And Kapok tree . Peat bogs were also recently discovered.
