science and technology

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Natural science and technology ( NwT ) is the profile subject of the natural science profile in Baden-Württemberg high schools and Saxon secondary schools . It goes beyond interdisciplinary work in the basic scientific subjects of biology, chemistry, geography and physics, even if some aspects of the basic subjects are taken up.

Science and technology is introduced in grade 8 in the science profile, corresponding to the third foreign language of the linguistic profile. As a core subject, the lesson takes four hours. The subject is taught in grades 8, 9 and 10 of the eight-year grammar school (G8). At some experimental schools in Baden-Württemberg, NwT is also offered as a two-hour subject in grades 11 and 12 and can be examined in a presentation test in the Abitur. In addition, there is NwT as a school experiment for grades 5 to 7 in addition to the natural phenomena subject . The other natural science subjects biology , chemistry , geography and physics are taught as basic sciences in all profiles with the same number of hours and the same content.

Objectives of the subject

The aim of this subject is to prepare the students for their future studies and the world of work in a practical way and to promote scientific and technical thinking and action. The knowledge acquired in the basic sciences is deepened and applied. NwT sees itself not only as a networked subject with interdisciplinary contents from chemistry, physics, biology and geosciences. The relation to technology should be taught within the given framework (especially regarding the equipment). The students also learn to work independently and on schedule in their own projects.

Concrete implementation

The implementation is very different from school to school. Before the nationwide change, the subject was already being taught in 20 experimental schools. The results of these experimental schools are made available online. How the content is implemented at a particular school is defined in the school curriculum (which is created individually by each school). Examples of such school curricula can be found on the Internet. The curricula are based on the educational standards of the subject.

Different models are also used with regard to the implementation by the subject teachers. The reason for this is that there is currently no specialist training for NwT as such, but the subject has so far been taught by teachers from the basic sciences. In some schools, a subject teacher teaches a class in NwT throughout the school year. Other schools operate semester or trimester models in which the class is taught by a different subject teacher in each section, depending on the subject area. About advanced training and a. Interested teachers receive further training from the distance learning center of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ). These then offer further training at their school. Since the 2010/2011 winter semester, KIT , the Universities of Ulm and Tübingen, and the University of Stuttgart have offered a teaching degree for the natural sciences and technology for the first time.


Examples of topics in the core subject of science and technology:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of the subject with target formulations
  2. Natural science and technology at general high schools in Baden-Württemberg page of the cultural administration
  3. Sample curricula on the state education server
  4. ^ Educational standards of the subject NwT
  6. Teacher training course "Science and Technology (NwT)". 2013, accessed September 29, 2013 .
  7. University of Stuttgart offers new teacher training course. Retrieved October 29, 2010 .