Naum Samoilowitsch Landkof

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Naum Samoilowitsch Landkof ( Russian Наум Самойлович Ландкоф , Ukrainian Наум Самійлович Ландкоф Naum Samijlowytsch Landkof * 20th January 1915 in Kharkiv , † 2004 in Israel ) was a Ukrainian mathematician who is primarily concerned with potential theory , function theory and harmonic analysis dealt.

Landkof received his doctorate in 1940 under Michail Alexejewitsch Lavrentjew at the National Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev (dissertation: Some properties of irregular points of the generalized Dirichlet problem , Russian), from which he graduated in 1937. In 1967 he received his habilitation (Soviet doctorate) and in 1968 a professor. He later taught mathematics to military engineers at the Kharkiv Air Defense Academy and was a professor at the University of Rostov-on-Don . He later moved to Beer Sheva .

His doctoral students include Alexandre Eremenko and Vladimir Alexandrowitsch Martschenko .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Electronic catalog, Belarus Library
  2. Naum Samoilowitsch Landkof in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. ↑ Dates of birth and biography after entry by VO Dobrovolsky and VS Ryzhy in Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine