Lin Zhao

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Dies ist ein Chinesischer Name;der Familienname ist Lin or Peng.
Lin Zhao

Lin Zhao (Chinese: 林昭; * December 16, 1932 as Peng Lingzhao (彭 令 昭) in Suzhou , Jiangsu Province , China ; † April 29, 1968 in Longhua, Shanghai , China) was a prominent dissident who worked during the Cultural Revolution The People's Republic of China was imprisoned and later executed for criticizing Mao Zedong's policies .

Early years of life

Peng Lingzhao was born into a prominent family in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. At the age of 16, she joined a communist cell in hiding and wrote articles under the pseudonym Lin Zhao in which she criticized the corruption of the Republic of China (1912–1949) . Three months before the communists came to power in mainland China , she ran away from home to study at a journalism school run by the communists. During her career she was hired to work in a group to manage land reforms in the countryside . There she is said to have played a role in the torture and violent killing of homeowners. This mistreatment is said to have been justified by the principle of class struggle .


Lin Zhao later enrolled in the Chinese Literature Department at Peking University , where she was an outspoken dissident during the Hundred Flower Movement of 1957. During this time, intellectuals like herself were encouraged to criticize the Chinese Communist Party , but were later punished for it. As punishment, Lin was ordered to do low-level tasks at the university, including killing mosquitoes as part of the Four Plague eradication . She had to do the cataloging of old newspapers for the reference library of the journalism department of the university.

In October 1960, while Lin was on medical leave in Suzhou, she was arrested along with other dissidents for helping to publish an underground magazine criticizing the Communist Party. This was in response to the Great Chinese Famine imposed on the Chinese people by the government during the Great Leap Forward. Lin was later sentenced as a political prisoner to 20 years in prison. She was repeatedly beaten and tortured in prison.

Lin converted to Christianity after attending a Christian mission school before studying at Peking University. As she languished in prison, she devoted herself more to her beliefs and increased her criticism of the Chinese Communist Party.

While in prison, Lin wrote hundreds of pages of critical commentary on Mao Zedong using hairpins and bamboo shards and her own blood as ink. A December 5, 1966 report recommended that Lin should be executed on the basis of "grave crimes." Lin's crimes are alleged to have been: 1. To have insanely attacked, cursed and slandered the great Chinese Communist Party and its great leader, Chairman Mao. 2. To have been extremely hostile and hateful to the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system . 3. Shouting reactionary slogans in public to disrupt prison rules. To have incited other prisoners to rebel and threats to take revenge on behalf of counterrevolutionary criminals. 4. To have tenaciously maintained their reactionary stance. She refused to admit their crimes, resisted discipline and education, and offered resistance to reforms, etc. Lin was 1969 shooting executed. Lin's family was unaware of her death until a Communist Party official came to her mother to collect a five-cent fee for the bullet that killed her.


In 1981, under Deng Xiaoping's government , Lin was officially exonerated and rehabilitated. Despite her rehabilitation , the Chinese government does not allow her to commemorate or discuss Lin's life and writings. In 2013, on the 45th anniversary of Lin's execution, some activists attempted to visit Lin's grave near her hometown of Suzhou, but were prevented from doing so by government security officials.


The story of Lin Zhao's life was unclear and little known until it was brought to light by documentary filmmaker Hu Jie, whose documentary In Search Of Lin Zhao's Soul won numerous awards in 2005. She is featured in several chapters of Philip Pan's 2008 book, Out of Mao's Shadow .

Many of her essays, letters, and diaries were kept by Communist Party officials for possible future use as propaganda. Some time after her death, a police officer agreed to smuggle many of Lin's writings to her friends and family at the risk of his own life. Hu Jie was able to acquire some of these scriptures, which he used in his documentary. Currently, a collection of her work is the Hoover Institute of Stanford University kept.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Jin Zhong, In Search of the Soul of Lin Zhao ( Memento of July 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF), China Rights Forum No. 3, HRI China, 2004, accessed on August 27, 2017
  2. ^ A b Philip Pan, A Past Written In Blood , The Washington Post, 2008, accessed August 27, 2017
  3. a b c Philip P. Pan, Out of Mao's Shadow , Simon & Schuster, 2008, ISBN 1-4165-3705-8 , accessed August 27, 2017
  4. a b Carol Wickenkamp, Chinese Regime Blocks Commemoration of Executed Dissident Lin Zhao , The Epoch Times, April 29, 2013, accessed August 27, 2017
  5. ^ A b Robert Marquand, Tiananmen Anniversary: ​​Memory of executed poet resonates , The Christian Science Monitor, May 1, 2009, accessed August 27, 2017
  6. Patrick Boehler, Remembrance of dissident Lin Zhao obstructed on 45th execution anniversary , South China Morning Post, April 29, 2013, accessed on August 27, 2017
  7. Letters and diaries of Chinese political activist Lin Zhao opened , The Hoover Institution Archives, November 11, 2009, accessed August 27, 2017