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Nebet-tah , also Nebet-aah or Nebet-iah , was an ancient Egyptian princess of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ) and fourth daughter of King ( Pharaoh ) Amenophis III. and his Great Royal Wife Teje . Her name means "mistress of the palace".

This king's daughter is relatively rarely documented. On a former seven meter high colossal statue of her parents in the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III. in Thebes she is mentioned by name alongside her sisters. In contrast to her older sisters Sitamun , Iset and Henuttaunebu , however, she is nowhere listed as the wife of her father. She is also mentioned together with her parents and her sister Iset on a gem made from carnelian . Their cause of death and burial place are unknown.


  • Dorothea Arnold , James P. Allen, Lyn Green: The Royal Women of Amarna. Images of Beauty in Ancient Egypt. Metropolitan Museum of Art / Distribution: Harry N. Abrams, New York 1996, ISBN 0-87099-818-8 , p. 9.

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Individual evidence

  1. tungsten Grajetzki: Life-history to the royal family at the end of the 18th Dynasty. In: Kemet 1, 2002, p. 15