Iset (daughter of Amenophis III.)

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Iset , also Aset or Isis , was an ancient Egyptian princess of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ).

Iset. Temple of Soleb (KR Lepsius)


The name of this princess stands for the goddess Isis and is literally translated as "throne".


Iset was the second or third daughter of Amenhotep III. and his " Great Royal Wife " Teje . Sister of Thutmose , Akhenaten , Sitamun , Nebet-tah and Henuttaunebu . Like her mother Teje and her sister Sitamun, Iset was also the "Great Royal Wife" of Amenhotep III. She received this title during the celebrations of the Sed Festival in the 34th year of the reign.

supporting documents

Iset is named on several objects along with her father, including a statue that is privately owned. This is also the only document on which she is referred to as the "Great Royal Wife". Iset is represented as a simple princess in Soleb and a gem made of carnelian names both the names of her parents and that of her sister Henuttaunebu.

However, the finds so far do not provide any further information about her life at the royal court. The cause of death and the burial place of the Iset are unknown.


Individual evidence

  1. Joann Fletcher: Diary of a Pharaoh - Amenophis III. P. 154
  2. Wolfram Grajetzki: Kemet 1/2002: life data on the royal family at the end of the 18th dynasty. P. 15