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Nebhetep in hieroglyphics

Nebhetep (Neb hetep)
Nb ḥtp
The Lord is content
Official title
M26 S19

sealer of the king of Upper Egypt
Seal imprint with the name of Nebhetep
(left of Serech)

Nebhetep , or Hetepneb (both in proper name spelling ), also Neb-hetep or Hetep-neb , is the name of a high ancient Egyptian official of the 2nd dynasty , who ruled under the kings ( pharaohs ) Sechemib and Peribsen .

Seal imprint of Nebhetep

The name and titles were found on clay seals from the grave of Peribsen in Abydos and in Elephantine . According to the inscriptions, Nebhetep was “the sealer of King Sechemib-Perenmaat” and “the king's valet”. The place of his burial is unknown.


  • Peter Kaplony : The inscriptions of the early Egyptian period. Vol. 3 (= Ägyptologische Abhandlungen. Vol. 8, ISSN  0568-0476 ). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1963, pp. 472 & 479; Plate IX - X, obj. 266 & 804.

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Kaplony: Inscriptions of the early Egyptian times . Plate X., clay seal No. 804
  2. Peter Kaplony: Inscriptions of the early Egyptian times . Plate IX., Clay seal no.266