Nechen (Gau)

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Nechen is the name of the ancient Egyptian 3rd Upper Egyptian Gaues (also Festungsgau, Landeplatzgau ). The Greeks named the Gau Latopolites after the main town of Esna at the time , which was called Latonpolis by the Greeks . The main towns in the district were Hierakonpolis (the city was also called Nechen ), Elkab and Esna at different times . The Gau has been inscribed since at least the 4th dynasty .


  • Wolfgang Helck : The ancient Egyptian Gaue (= supplements to the Tübingen Atlas of the Middle East. Series B: Humanities. No. 5). Reichert / Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1974, ISBN 3-920153-27-8 , pp. 74-78.