Necrology 850

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◄◄846847848849850  | 851  | 852  | 853  | 854  |  | ►►

Other events | Necrology (animals)

This is a list of famous people who died in the year 850 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 1st Ramiro I. King of Asturias


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
March 21st Nimmyo Tennō of Japan about 40


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 18 Perfectus Martyrs of Cordoba

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
David of Lausanne Bishop of Lausanne
Huangbo Xiyun Chinese Chan master
Li Deyu Chinese politician approx. 63
William of Septimania Count of Barcelona and Empúries approx. 24