Lameira da Cima necropolis

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Lameira da Cima necropolis
Lameira da Cima necropolis

The necropolis of Lameira da Cima ( Portuguese Necróple Megalítica da Lameira de Cima ) is located east of Antas, near Mêda in the Viseu district in Portugal .

Anta is the Portuguese name for around 5000 megalithic structures or dolmens , which were built during the Neolithic in the west of the Iberian Peninsula by the successors of the cardial or imprint culture . The two Antas form a prehistoric, megalithic necropolis of Lameira de Cima, which is one of the most important in the district.

Anta 1 could be restored as most of the stones in its chamber were still on site. It is a small anteron with no capstones, with three preserved supporting stones and a long corridor with chipped side stones.

The smaller Anta 2 was very clear and could only be supplemented with the few remaining components and additional stones. It has a polygonal chamber with a wide passage.

The excavations showed that their use took place between the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. Took place. The investigation also showed a different use to the other dolmens in the region. Nearby are the megalithic complexes of Carapito and the anthropomorphic rock tombs of Antas and those in Vale de Maria Pais with the menhir .


Web links

Commons : Necrópole Megalítica da Lameira de Cima  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 40 ° 56 '9.9 "  N , 7 ° 20' 57.5"  W.