Nephepeltia phryne

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Nephepeltia phryne
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Brachydiplacinae
Genre : Nephepeltia
Type : Nephepeltia phryne
Scientific name
Nephepeltia phryne
( Perty , 1834)

The Nephepeltia phryne is one of the six dragonfly species of the genus Nephepeltia from the subfamily Brachydiplacinae . The species was first described in 1834 by Josef Anton Maximilian Perty using a male from Piauí in Brazil . A distinction is made between the two subspecies Nephepeltia phryne phryne and Nephepeltia phryne tupiensis .

Construction of the Imago

The approximately 16 millimeter long abdomen of the males is black and has light yellow markings. The third segment has elongated wedge-shaped spots. On the fourth segment, the spots are a little smaller. Segments five and six are light yellow on the basal side of the segment. The seventh segment is marked with a double spot until just under halfway. The tires on the first and second segments are not light yellow, but purple blue. The abdominal appendages are about as long as the tenth and ninth segments combined. The female is colored very similarly. But the drawings are more pronounced. Her abdomen is also slightly shorter, measuring just 13 millimeters. The chest ( thorax ) in the males is metallic dark green-blue and sometimes has a light-colored ante-humeral band . On the sides of the thorax there are three purple-blue stripes. The sides of the female thorax are yellowish. In the male, the lower lip is sometimes whitish yellow, sometimes yellow on the sides and black in the middle. Like the face, the upper lip is also whitish yellow. The forehead is metallic blue on the upper side, as is the vertex. The hind wings are about 18 millimeters long. The wing mark ( pterostigma ) measures around 1.5 millimeters.


  1. ^ Garrison, von Ellenrieder , Louton - Dragonfly Genera of the New World [p. 279], The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2006, ISBN 0801884462
  2. a b Friedrich Ris: Libellulins . (pdf) In: Selys-Longchamps, Edmond de, baron, 1813-1900. Collections zoologiques; catalog systematique et descriptif . 2, 1913, pp. 394-395. Retrieved May 31, 2009.

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