Nerses V.

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Портрет Нерсеса Аштаракеци.А.Овнатанян.jpg

Nerses V. Ashtarakezi (born February 13, 1770 in Ashtarak , Yerevan Khanate as Toros Harutjuni Schahasisjan ; † February 13, 1857 in Tbilisi , Russian Empire ) was Catholicos in Echmiadzin of the Armenian Apostolic Church from 1843 to 1857 .

Toros Harutjuni Shahasisyan came from a noble family. He received his training as a monk Nerses in Etchmiadzin and in Constantinople . In 1808 he became a member of the Synod and in 1814 the Armenian Archbishop of Georgia in Tbilisi, Russia . During the Russo-Persian War in 1826 , he administered the Catholic in Etchmiadzin, which, actively welcomed by him, fell to Russia in 1827. Because of his participation in Armenian autonomy efforts, he became archbishop of distant Nakhichevan on the Don ( Bessarabia) appointed. After the death of the Catholicos John VIII († March 7, 1842), the spiritual and secular members of the electoral convention elected him unanimously in absentia on April 17, 1843 as patriarch and Catholic of the Armenian Church. The Russian Tsar confirmed his choice so that he could take the chair.
