New Commonwealth Society

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The New Commonwealth Society (NCS) was a political society founded in 1932 by the liberal Welsh politician David Davies , which promoted disarmament , international understanding, prosperity and world peace.

As an association of international lawyers , politicians and diplomats, the NCS aimed to develop a legal system and corresponding institutions above the nation -states. Although she advocated general disarmament, she also worked to enforce international law with the help of military force if necessary. She initially supported the League of Nations and wanted to strengthen it institutionally with her legal philosophy. In the following period, the NCS concentrated increasingly on Europe and developed concrete ideas for the unification of the continent. These also influenced the European integration efforts of the post-war period. During the 1930s, the Swiss European Union and prominent politicians from all major parties in Great Britain joined the NCS. These included u. a. later Prime Ministers Winston Churchill , Clement Attlee and Harold Macmillan .

The NCS is considered a laboratory of ideas for the European unification process.


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