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As niangao ( Chinese  年糕 , Pinyin niangao , W.-G. nien-kao  - "lit .: New Year's cake, annual cake") is a Chinese specialty called, originally from the south of the country , province Zhejiang , City Ningbo , dates. Originally, the noodle-like rice cake was only eaten as a special treat for New Year's , now it has almost become a staple food . Niangao are served boiled , fried , steamed or deep-fried . You can prepare it sweet, salty, sour or spicy, which u. a. is regional. What some people don't like or don't like about Niangao is that they are sticky, as they are only made from glutinous rice flour ( 糯米 粉 , nuòmǐfěn  - “sticky rice flour ”) and water . As a result, they often get stuck on the teeth.

See also

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Commons : Niangao  - Collection of Images