Nicolaas Marinus Hugenholtz

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Nicolaas Marinus Hugenholtz (born April 26, 1924 in Wormerveer ) is a Dutch theoretical physicist.

Hugenholtz attended grammar school in Leiden , studied at the Technical University in Delft and at the University of Leiden . He spent two and a half years at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and from 1955 at the University of Utrecht , where he received his doctorate cum laude under Léon Van Hove in 1957 (“The quantum theory of large systems and its application to the structure of nuclear matter "). He then worked at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton from 1958 to 1960 . He was a professor at the University of Groningen . Hugenholtz is known for his work on the quantum mechanical many-body problem and statistical mechanics. In 1988 he was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences .

He has been married since 1952 and has four children.


  • with van Hove, Howland Quantum theory of many particle systems - Lecturenote and Reprint volume , Frontiers in Physics, Benjamin 1961
  • with David Pines : Ground state energy and excitation spectrum of a system of interacting bosons , Physical Review, Vol. 116, 1959

Individual evidence

  1. Nicolaas Marinus Hugenholtz in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. ^ Members: Nico Hugenholtz. Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, accessed April 13, 2019 .