Nicolas Joseph Thiéry de Ménonville

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Illustration from his work: A scale insect on an opuntia leaf

Nicolas Joseph Thiéry de Ménonville (born June 18, 1739 in Saint-Mihiel , † 1780 in Port-au-Prince ) was a French botanist .


The trained lawyer turned to botany and was sent to Mexico and South America by his government in 1776 . He was supposed to spy out the secret of the cochineal dye , which was closely guarded by the Spaniards . In Oaxaca he pretended to be a Catalan doctor . He succeeded in transporting opuntia leaves and cochineal whitefish ( Dactylopius coccus ) home.

In Port-au-Prince he successfully reproduced insects and plants. His death in 1780 prevented the plan to plant opuntia in the French colonies.



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