Nicolas Luton Durival

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Nicolas-Luton Durival (born November 13, 1713 in Commercy ( Lorraine ), † December 21, 1795 in Heillecourt ) was a French administrator and encyclopedia .

Live and act

His father was the Officier de la garde robe de Son Altesse royale (SAR) Jacques Durival, he was married to Anne Humblot in Commercy since October 29, 1712, the couple had four children and two sons in addition to the eldest Nicolas-Luton Durival and two younger ones other sons, Claude Durival (1728–1805), Jean-Baptiste Luton Durival and two daughters Catherine and Marie Anne Durival.

Nicolas Durival spent his entire professional activity, like his younger brother, in the administration of Lorraine. But before that he received a good education in the local administration, such as the bureaux de l'Intendance de Lorraine . Thereafter, between 1737 and 1751, he was first secretary to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lorraine Antoine-Martin Chaumont de La Galaizière , chancelier de Lorraine . He was then appointed State Secretary of the Council and Finance, secrétaire des conseils d'État et des finances under Stanislaus I. Leszczyński . He later moved to Nancy and took on the duties of lieutenant general of the police, lieutenant général de police à Nancy . He held this position until 1790, when he was appointed administrative director of Nancy, administrateur municipal à Nancy .

He occupied himself with the description of Lorraine and Barrois for twenty years . This is how he described many of Lorraine's regional social and historical events. Durival had been a member of the Academy of Nancy since 1760 . Although he was gainfully employed for most of his life, he remained poor.

Durival also worked on the Encyclopédie of Denis Diderot with, he wrote several articles about the history, customs, agriculture, geography and customs of Lorraine.

Works (selection)

  • Mémoire sur la Lorraine et le Barrois, suivi de la Table alphabétique ..., etc. Nancy, 1753,
  • Waist alphabétique des villes, bourgs, villages et hameaux de la Lorraine et du Barrois. Nancy, 1748
  • Coutume particulière à la Bresse, village de Lorraine. Nancy, 1754
  • Principes sur le pacage, le vain pâturage et le parcours. Nancy, 1756,
  • Mémoire sur la clôture des héritages, le vain pâturage et le parcours, en Lorraine. Thomas père et fils, Nancy, 1763
  • Introduction à la description de la Lorraine et du Barrois. Nancy, 1774
  • Description of the Lorraine et du Barrois. Nancy, 1778-79-83, 4 vol.


  • Joseph-François Michaud, Louis-Gabriel Michaud: Biography universal. t. 12, C. Desplaces, Paris, 1855, p. 110

Web links

Wikisource: Nicolas-Luton Durival  - Sources and full texts (French)

Consortium of European Research Libraries. Nicolas-Luton Durival

Individual evidence

  1. Family genealogy
  2. Frank A. Kafker: Notices sur les auteurs of dix-sept volumes de "discours" de l'Encyclopédie. Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie Year (1989) Volume 7 Issue 7 p. 139