Antoine-Martin Chaumont de La Galaizière

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François-André Vincent , The Marquis de La Galaizière is appointed Chancellor of Lorraine by Stanislaus Leszczyński on January 18, 1737 at Meudon Castle

Antoine-Martin Chaumont de La Galaizière (sometimes also written de La Galaisière ) (born January 22, 1697 in Namur ; † October 3, 1783 in Paris ) was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lorraine from 1737–1768 under Duke Stanislaus Leszczyński .

His main task was to prepare the incorporation of the duchy into the French kingdom, which was envisaged with the end of the rule of Leszczyński, who finally died in 1766. The incorporation was completed by de La Galaizière's son Antoine.

In Lorraine, de La Galaizière resided in the castle of Neuviller-sur-Moselle .


  • Pierre Boyé: Le chancelier Chaumont de La Galaizière et sa famille , Nancy: Ed. du Pays Lorrain, 1939, 115 p.
  • Alfred Brossel: Antoine-Martin de Chaumont, marquis de La Galaizière, intendant de Lorraine, chancelier de Stanislas, 1967-1783 , Nancy: G. Thomas, 1968, 38 p.