Nicole Leidenfrost

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Nicole Leidenfrost (* 1974 in Berlin ) is a German artist . Notoriety she gained by being the guest present the President of Elizabeth II. To their state visit anfertigte, 2015.


Nicole Leidenfrost has had various art teachers in her career, such as B. Elvira Bach , Jerry Zeniuk and Markus Lüpertz . Since September 2018 she has been studying privately with Markus Lüpertz at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kolbermoor. Before that, Leidenfrost received a scholarship from Markus Lüpertz at the Art Academy in Bad Reichenhall and in 2011 she was part of a delegation of 12 German artists whose works were exhibited in Beijing .

Leidenfrost's works are exhibited internationally and are represented at art fairs.

Leidenfrost works and lives in Wedel near Hamburg.


Royal blue horse

Horse in royal blue (external weblink)

The painting “Horse in Royal Blue”, which Federal President Joachim Gauck presented to Queen Elisabeth II as a gift, shows the future Queen as a four-year-old girl on the Shetland pony “Peggy”, her first horse, which was owned by her father, who later became George VI. , is held and shown in blue. The painter had used a photograph from 1930 as a template. The queen commented that blue (for a horse "a strange color" a strange color ) is. When asked by her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh , whether she recognized her father in the picture, she replied “No, not quite.” ( No, not quite. ). The event was picked up and lively commented on by the media, including the British. The Federal President said with amusement that in the event that she didn't like the picture, she should stick to the Lübeck marzipan , which he also gave her.

The work hangs in Buckingham Palace and is part of the “ Royal Collection Trust ” art collection .

Her other works are in art collections such as B. in the Museum Würth Collection and the art collection of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

Scholarships and Awards

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Queen Elizabeth II with the Duke of York on Shetland pony Peggy in 1930 , website with the photographic template for the painting “Horse in Royal Blue”, accessed on the portal on June 28, 2015
  2. Alan Posener: The refreshing understanding of art from Ms. Leidenfrost. Die Welt, June 26, 2015, accessed June 27, 2015 .
  3. Wedelerin Nicole Leidenfrost: There is a lot of malice for her Queen picture. Hamburger Morgenpost, June 27, 2015, accessed on June 27, 2015 .
  4. Mark Hudson: Nicole Leidenfrost's portrait of the Queen: "patently insincere". The Telegraph, June 24, 2015, accessed June 27, 2015 .
  5. Queen unimpressed by blue horse painting: 'It's a strange color' - video , website on portal , accessed on June 28, 2015