Nikephoros Kantakuzenos

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Nikephoros Kantakuzenos ( Middle Greek Νικηφόρος Καντακουζηνός ; † after 1355) was a Byzantine aristocrat and provincial governor.


Nikephorus was a cousin ( εξάδελφος ) of Emperor John VI. Kantakuzenos . At the beginning of the Byzantine Civil War in October 1341, he was imprisoned in Constantinople along with other members of the Kantakuzenos family on the orders of Alexios Apokaukos , the closest adviser to Empress Anna Palaiologina . When John VI. On March 31, 1347 took over the government in the capital, Nikephoros was released again.

John VI bestowed on Nikephoros the high court dignity of a sebastocrator in 1351 at the latest and transferred the governorship of Adrianople , whose citadel he defended in the renewed civil war in 1352 together with Matthaios Asanes Kantakuzenos against the troops of John V. After the deposition of John VI. in December 1354 he secured Adrianople for his son Matthaios, who continued the fight for the imperial throne against John V from Thrace .

The last time Nikephoros Kantakuzenos is mentioned is 1355. His daughter Theodora Komnene Kantakuzene was since 1351 with the Trapezuntian emperor Alexios III. Komnenos married. He also presumably had a son named Manuel Kantakuzenos Strategopulos .



  • Catherine Asdracha: Les Rhodopes au XIVe siècle. In: Revue des études byzantines. Vol. 34, 1976, ISSN  0766-5598 , pp. 175-209, here: p. 195.
  • Mark C. Bartusis: Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013, ISBN 978-1-107-00962-2 , p. 443.
  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Севастократори у Византији . In: Зборник радова Византолошког института . 11, 1968, ISSN  0584-9888 , pp. 141-192 ( PDF file; 4.0 MB ), here: p. 186.
  • Donald M. Nicol : The Byzantine family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) approx. 1100-1460. A genealogical and prosopographical study (= Dumbarton Oaks Studies . Volume 11). Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Washington DC 1968, pp. 141-143, No. 34.
  • Donald M. Nicol: The Reluctant Emperor: A Biography of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine Emperor and Monk, c. 1295-1383. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996, ISBN 0-521-55256-7 .
  • Erich Trapp , Rainer Walther, Hans-Veit Beyer: Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit . 5. Fascicle: Κ ... - Κομνηνούτζικος (= Publications of the Commission for Byzantine Studies . Volume 1/5). Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1981, ISBN 3-7001-0330-1 , p. 98, No. 10986.

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  1. See Nicol, Reluctant Emperor. P. 54.
  2. See Nicol, Kantakouzenos. P. 142.
  3. See PLP 5, p. 98.