Nikolai Alexejewitsch Bobrinsky

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Nikolai Alexeyevich Bobrinski ( Russian Николай Алексеевич Бобринский ., Scientific transliteration Nikolaj Alekseevic Bobrinskij ; born March 30 . Jul / 11. April  1890 greg. In Moscow , † 28 December 1964 ) was a Russian-Soviet zoologist and professor (since 1934 ). He was an important exponent of zoogeography .


His parents were Alexei Alexejewitsch Bobrinsky (1864-1909) and Varvara Nikolajewna Lvova (1864-1940). He studied at Moscow University with MA Menzbier . He then taught at the Moscow State University (1922–1948), at the University of Tashkent (1920–1922 and 1934–1937) and at the Pedagogical Institute of Moscow Oblast (1944–1960). Bobrinsky also worked for the Darwin State Museum in Moscow. In 1933 he took part in an expedition to the forests of northern Kazakhstan, where he examined the fauna of the vertebrates native to there. 1943 doctorate without dissertation. His main works deal with the fauna and the zoo or animal geography of the USSR . For the last few years of his life he was bedridden due to a serious illness. Nikolai Alekseevich Bobrinsky died in Moscow at the age of 74 and was buried in the Vostryakovo cemetery next to the graves of his children and his aunt Sofia Alexeevna.

Works (selection)

  • Зоогеография и эволюция ( zoogeography and evolution ). Moscow / Leningrad 1927.
  • География животных. Курс зоогеографии ( The geography of animals. A course book of zoogeography ), 2nd edition, Moscow 1961.
  • Курс зоологии ( Kursbuch Zoologie ), 7th edition, 2 volumes, Moscow 1966.
  • Животный мир и природа СССР ( Fauna and Nature of the USSR ), 3rd edition, Moscow 1967.
