Nikolaus Meldemann

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The Meldeman Plan, Nuremberg 1530

Nikolaus Meldemann , also Niklas Meldeman (* in Nuremberg ; † 1552) was a German printer and publisher of the 16th century .

Life and meaning

The exact life dates of Nikolaus Meldemann are no longer preserved. What is certain is that he acquired citizenship in Nuremberg in 1518 and worked there as a printer and publisher. But he became known in Vienna through the so-called Meldeman Plan that he created. After the first Turkish siege of Vienna in 1529, which lasted from September 25th to October 14th and was successfully repulsed, Meldemann traveled to Vienna on October 25th to do a woodcut of the To create Turkish siege. After lengthy negotiations, Meldemann acquired his picture from a "famous painter" who was not known by name and who had been sitting on the tower of St. Stephen's Cathedral and recorded the siege, which represented a panoramic view of the besieged Vienna. Meldemann created his woodcut based on this template, which was completed on May 2, 1530. Against the competition of Hans Guldenmundt , who had created a similar picture, Meldemann prevailed at the Nuremberg city council, so that Guldenmundt was only allowed to publish his work at a later date.

In 1899, Meldemannstrasse in Vienna was named after the printer.

Meldeman plan

Excerpt from the Meldeman plan with St. Stephen's Cathedral

The so-called Meldeman Plan is a unique and authentic representation of the first Turkish siege of Vienna. With St. Stephen's Cathedral in the middle, the plan offers a circular image of besieged Vienna, which is not topographically exact, but more or less emphasized according to the importance of the areas shown. Numerous events during the siege are shown simultaneously within the image. While buildings can be neglected within the city, the fortification wall is detailed. The suburbs of Vienna in the west and south are preferred to the north, as important scenes for the siege took place in these areas. The tents of the besieging Turks, the most important fighting and the destruction of the suburbs are clearly visible. Events such as atrocities or executions also find their place.

The Meldeman Plan represents a photo report of a major political event that was very up-to-date for the time and is of great importance for the history and topography of Vienna. In 1927 the woodcut, which had been printed from six blocks, was acquired at an auction in Leipzig for the Historical Museum of the City of Vienna.

The dates of the plan are:

The city of Vienna has been documented by a foolish painter ... forgiven and agreed upon after the birth of Christ, as the city of Vienna has been documented on the high sant Steffansthurn with little of the whole city on water and ends up with all things to look at. MCCCCCXXIX vnd im XXX in truck. Made in Nurenberg by Niclaßen Meldeman brifmaler at the long prucken wonhaft, after the birth of Christ . Colored woodcut, print from 6 sticks, 81.2 × 85.6 cm (Wien Museum,


  • Karl Steiff:  Meldemann, Nicolaus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 21, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, p. 292.
  • Günther Düriegl: The round view of Niklas Meldemann for the first siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1529. Interpretation and interpretation . In: Wiener Schriften , 44, Vienna 1980
  • Felix Czeike: Historisches Lexikon Wien , Volume 4. Kremayr & Scheriau, Vienna 1995
  • Manfred H. Grieb : Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon . Munich 2007

Web links

Commons : Nikolaus Meldemann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files