Nina Ivanovna Savushkina

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Nina Ivanovna Sawuschkina ( Russian: Нина Ивановна Савушкина ; * 1929 ; † 1993 in Moscow ) was a Soviet - Russian folklorist , ethnographer and university teacher .


Savushkina studied at the Lomonosov University Moscow (MGU) in the philological faculty . After postgraduate at Erna Wassiljewna Pomeranzewa Sawuschkina defended in 1956 with success their dissertation on the ideological and artistic characteristics of everyday life fairy tale and its social and educational role in the present for promotion to the candidate of philological sciences.

From 1963 Savushkina worked at the chair of Russian folklore in the Philological Faculty of the MGU. She organized and led more than 50 folkloric expeditions in Rajons of the Russian north, the Volga region and the Kirov Oblast . In 1984 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on Russian folk drama from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century as a phenomenon of folklore art for a doctorate in philological sciences.

From 1994 to 2005, six all-Russian conferences on folklore and the present with Savushkina readings took place in the Philological Faculty of MGU, the proceedings of which were published in 1995, 2002 and 2007.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Савушкина, Нина Ивановна (1929-1993) (accessed June 22, 2020).
  2. Савушкина, Нина Ивановна: Идейно-художественные особенности бытовой сказки и ее общественно-воспитательная роль в современности: дис Автореферат. на соискание учен. степени кандидата филол. наук . 1956.
  3. Chair of Russian Folklore: В разные годы на кафедре работали (accessed June 22, 2020).
  4. Фольклор и современность (Савушкинские чтения) IV — V. Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции . Moscow 2007, ISBN 978-5-7164-0586-8 .