Noémie Schmidt

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Noémie Schmidt (2016)

Noémie Schmidt (born November 18, 1990 in Sion ) is a Swiss actress.


Schmidt was born in the Swiss community of Sion and later began studying theater in Brussels . On the advice of a French director, she looked for a Paris agency to come to castings more often. She commuted between Brussels and Paris for a year and a half before moving to the French capital.

Schmidt received her first role in a movie in 2015 in Breakfast with Monsieur Henri . In the same year she was seen for ten episodes in the television series Versailles .



Web links

Commons : Noémie Schmidt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Noémie Schmidt in conversation with Charlotte Fischli: Noémie Schmidt. Our girl in Paris In:, July 23, 2015.