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Coordinates: 40 ° 23 ′ 14 ″  N , 9 ° 17 ′ 0 ″  E

Map: Italy

Noddule is a complex nuragic cult site near Orune in the province of Nuoro in Sardinia .

Fonte sacra di Noddule
Reconstruction of a capanna circolare


Noddule is 13 km from Nuoro on road 389 that goes from Nuoro via Orune to Bitti . At km 13, a 200 m long path begins on the right-hand side with a sign for the area archeologica . The complex at the Nuraghe Noddule consists of the severely disturbed nuraghe itself, some remains of relatively well-preserved round huts (capanna circolare) and the sacred well .


The partially collapsed nuraghe is at the highest point in the area and is of atypical shape. It has an oval central chamber with no niches, while one of the three secondary tholoi has three unusually placed, small niches. An inner courtyard and various corridors (one with steps) run through the complex.


The holy well ( Italian Pozzo sacro ) is supplied with water by a spring that is still active. It is in good condition and is characterized by a semicircular antechamber of about. 3.2 m in diameter and a downward running rectangular area of ​​3.0 × 1.8 m with high side walls. The area from which the spring can be accessed is equipped with side benches . In the wall there is a small cell about a meter high. Behind the wall of the water basin is the concealed spring room. It consists of a small walled tholos that goes down about a meter and above the opening about 0.5 m up.

The large round hut located between the nuraghi and the fountain is well preserved and the walls are still around one meter high. Nearby was the approximately 8.5 m long dismantled giant grave of Noddule, the chamber of which was 4.9 m long and 0.85 m wide.

See also

Web links

Commons : Noddule  - collection of images, videos and audio files