Noel Sickles

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Noel Douglas Sickles (born January 24, 1910 in Chillicothe , Ohio , † October 3, 1982 in Tucson , Arizona ) was an American comic artist, illustrator and cartoonist . He became known through the comic strip Scorchy Smith .


Sickles began his career as a political cartoonist for the Ohio State Journal in the late 1920s before getting a job with the Associated Press in 1933 . Since the creator of the aviation comic Scorchy Smith , John Terry , was ill, Sickles was offered the opportunity to continue the comic under Terry's name. After his death in 1934 he was allowed to continue the series and sign it with his own name. In 1936 he gave up drawing comics and became an illustrator after his demands for a massive pay rise were not met. Scorchy Smith was then taken over by Bert Christman .

Sickles and Milton Caniff shared a studio for two years and supported each other in their work. According to Andreas C. Knigge , Sickles "had a decisive influence on the style of American adventure trips ". Franco Fossati also attests to him in The Great Illustrated Ehapa Comic Lexicon that he “influenced a lot of later cartoonists ”.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas C. Knigge : Comic-Lexikon . Ullstein Verlag , Frankfurt am Main; Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-548-36554-X , pp. 405 .
  2. ^ Franco Fossati: The large illustrated Ehapa comic lexicon . Ehapa Verlag, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-7704-0865-9 , p. 237 .