Noor (cruise missile)

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Launch of a Noor missile

Noor is a medium-range - Anti ship - cruise missiles of Iran . The cruise missile is basically a replica of the Chinese C-802 , an export variant of the China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy Yingji-82 (YJ-82) anti-ship missile.


After the Gulf War in 1991, the Iranian Navy ordered 150 anti-ship missiles of the type C-802 in China. The C-802 or the YJ-82, in turn, is an anti-ship missile developed in China in 1985 on the basis of the AM.39 Exocet . After 60 units had already been delivered by 1996, China stopped further deliveries due to strong American pressure. According to Iranian information, a replica of the C-802 should then have been made. The copy was now called "Noor" (Persian for light ). In media reports on the Iranian military maneuver Velayat-90 on January 2, 2012 in the Strait of Hormuz , images of the Noor cruise missiles taking off were often incorrectly referred to as long-range missiles.


Depending on the version, the cruise missile has a range of 120 km, which, according to Iranian information, has been increased to 200 km in-house. The missile (FK) is based on the Chinese C-802 cruise missile. According to its own information, Iran is able to manufacture the cruise missile itself and offers a version for export.

  • Basic variant Noor : The C-802 guided missile copied because of the embargo is an airborne anti-ship missile with a nominal range of 30 km.
  • Noor Phase 2 : According to Iranian information, this improved copy of the C-802 is said to have been upgraded with an engine to make a cruise missile with a nominal range of 130 km.
  • Noor Phase 3 : This, in turn, improved and extended variant should have a nominal range of 170 km.
  • Noor Phase 4 : A variant equipped with more modern electronics and computers.
  • Qader : The extended variant should have a nominal range of 200 km thanks to additional fuel.
  • Noor export variant : This variant offered for export should have a range of 120 km.


During the 2006 Lebanon War , an Israeli Sa'ar-5-class corvette was fired at by two Noor missiles, one of which hit the waterline and caused severe damage to the ship. According to Israeli information, the automatic missile defense system is said to have been switched off at the time of the attack, as no anti-ship missiles were assumed in Lebanon.

On May 11, 2020, a Noor anti- ship missile was launched from the Jamaran , a Moudsch-class ship, during a maneuver in the Gulf of Oman . A friendly fire incident occurred when the Iranian utility Konarak was hit and badly damaged. The Iranian Navy said that 19 crew members were killed and at least 15 others were injured.

Carrier platforms



Technical specifications

Parameter Data of the Noor
Main function: anti-ship tactical guided missile
Length: 6.4 m
Takeoff weight: approx. 715 kg (basic version)
Speed: 1.110 km / h (Mach 0.9)
Range: 30 to 200 km (depending on the variant)
Steering: Inertial navigation module , coupled with an active radar for the final approach (DM-3B monopulse radar and, in the case of Cuboid, a millimeter wave radar).
Warhead: 165 kg highly explosive, partly armor-piercing warhead with contact fuse or delayed ignition
Ignition: Proximity or delay detonators
Commissioning: 2000 with the Iranian Air Force


  • IranIran Iran
  • SyriaSyria Syria , ordered from 2006, delivered by 2011

Individual evidence

  2. Start during an Iranian maneuver ( memento of the original from December 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. The great fireworks display in the Persian Gulf. In: January 3, 2012, accessed February 11, 2018 .
  4. C802 Noor
  5. Noor export version  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. C-802 in the Lebanon War.
  7. ^ Iranian destroyer accidentally sinks IRGC warship. (English) , accessed on May 11, 2020
  8. Iranian Navy Hits Own Warship With Missile In Fatal Accident. (English), accessed on May 11, 2020
  9. Trade Registers. Retrieved November 20, 2019 .