Norbert Bernsdorff

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Norbert Bernsdorff (* 1954 in Hildesheim ) is a German lawyer and former judge at the Federal Social Court .

Live and act

After completing his legal training, Bernsdorff first joined the judicial service of the State of Lower Saxony as an administrative judge and was employed there at the Hanover Administrative Court. In 1991 he switched to social justice. From 1994 to 1999 he was seconded to the Federal Constitutional Court as a research assistant . This was followed by a secondment to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice from March 2000 to February 2004 , where he became head of the department for constitutional law, European law, labor and social law. In May 2004 he was appointed judge at the Federal Social Court and assigned to the 12th Senate, which is primarily responsible for insurance and contribution law. He also teaches at the University of Marburg , which is why he was appointed honorary professor in 2015. In addition to social law topics, he also publishes academic articles on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and constitutional law. He retired at the end of February 2018.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Judge at the Federal Social Court Prof. Dr. Norbert Bernsdorff will retire on February 28, 2018 , press release 5/18 of the Federal Social Court.