North wik

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Nordvik ( Russian Нордвик ) was an urban-type settlement in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Russia .


The place was on the eastern side of the Urjung-Tumus peninsula ( Урюнг-Тумус ), which includes the eponymous Nordwik Bay to the west. Northwest of the peninsula opens the mouth of the Khatanga subsequent khatanga gulf to the Laptev Sea , north of the island is Bolshoi Begichev upstream.


The region was first explored in 1739. In 1933 the Russian cargo ship “Pravda” came to the region with a group of researchers. A settlement was built in the 1930s, which was abandoned in 1956.

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Coordinates: 73 ° 59 ′ 50 ″  N , 111 ° 28 ′ 0 ″  E