Normal convergence
In mathematics , the concept of normal convergence is used to characterize infinite series of functions . The term was introduced by the French mathematician René Louis Baire .
Let be any topological space . For functions and any subset of be
the supreme norm . A series of functions is called normally convergent if there is a neighborhood of for each such that:
Observe the sequence of functions on the compact interval with . Then it's our turn
converges (as a geometric series because of ). The series of functions is thus normally convergent and its limit function is continuously on .
The concept of normal convergence is a relatively strong concept of convergence, because for every series that converges in normal, it is also locally uniformly convergent there , that is, for every point there is a neighborhood in which the series converges evenly . Thus every normally convergent series is also compactly convergent , since this follows from the locally uniform convergence.
The following facts are also important:
- Linear combinations and the product of normally convergent series are normally convergent again.
- If all are continuous, then the limit function is also continuous if it converges normally.
- If a series converges normally, then all rearrangements of this series converge normally, to the same limit function.
- R. Remmert: Function theory I. Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 1989, ISBN 3-540-51238-1 .
- Konrad Königsberger : Analysis 1. Springer Verlag, 3rd edition, 1995.