Norman books

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Norman Bücher (born January 2, 1978 in Karlsruhe ) is a German extreme athlete , author , lecturer, graduate in business administration and former management consultant.


Books only started running at the age of 22; just one year later he ran the 100 kilometers from Biel . Since then he has participated in more than 100 marathons and ultramarathons. Since 2010 he has organized running adventures himself such as B. the "Run to the Rock", in which he had to run two marathons every day for two weeks. He wrote several books about his extreme adventures, including an audio book , and wrote an app . He writes for various sports newspapers and gives lectures. He currently lives in Waldbronn .

Sporting successes

  • 2006: Lapland Ultra - 100 km through northern Sweden
  • 2007: International IsarRun - 333 km from the mouth to the source of the Isar
  • 2007, 2008, 2009: Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc - 166 km and 9,400 meters in altitude around the Mont-Blanc massif
  • 2008: Saxon Mount Everest stair marathon - 84.4 km, 8,848 vertical meters, 79,400 steps
  • 2008: Grand Raid de la Réunion - 150 km, 9,500 meters altitude difference over the island of La Réunion
  • 2009: Grand Union Canal Race - 145 miles non-stop from Birmingham to London
  • 2009: Himalaya 100 Mile Stage Race - 100 miles, 7,000 vertical meters, 5 stages
  • 2010: Atacama Challenge - 600 km, 6,000 vertical meters, 14 stages
  • 2011: Al Andalus Ultra-Trail - 220 km, 5 stages
  • 2012: Run to the Rock - 1,120 km in 15 days through the Australian outback
  • 2013: BraveheartBattle Run


Individual evidence

  1. Retrieved on August 24, 2019
  2. ^ Run to the Rock. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on August 30, 2012 ; Retrieved August 27, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. News about Norman books on the BraveheartBattle Run. Retrieved January 2, 2014 .

Web links