North West River

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North West River
Location in Newfoundland and Labrador
North West River (Newfoundland and Labrador)
North West River
North West River
State : CanadaCanada Canada
Province : Newfoundland and Labrador
Region: Census Division No. 10
Coordinates : 53 ° 32 ′  N , 60 ° 9 ′  W Coordinates: 53 ° 32 ′  N , 60 ° 9 ′  W
Height : 10  m
Area : 3.2 km²
Residents : 547 (as of 2016)
Population density : 170.9 inhabitants / km²
Website :

North West River is a municipality ( town ) in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador .


The community is located in central east Labrador and belongs to the Census Division No. 10 . It is located on the north bank of the river of the same name at its confluence with Lake Melville . The place is located on a peninsula that borders Little Lake to the east and Lake Melville to the west.

A road bridge leads across the river to the opposite bank, where the village of Sheshatshui , which is also an Indian reservation, is located. The Route 520 connects Northwest River with the 30 km southwest located Happy Valley-Goose Bay .


In the 2016 census, the community had a population of 547. Five years earlier it was 553. Thus, the population has decreased slightly in recent years. The population consists mainly of Inuit and members of other First Nations .


North West River goes back to a trading post founded in 1743 by the French-Canadian fur trader Louis Fornel. About 20 years later, the English took over the area. From 1836 the Hudson's Bay Company operated a trading post in the North West River. The establishment of the Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay air force in the 1940s at Happy Valley-Goose Bay brought jobs to the region.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c North West River, Census 2016 . Statistics Canada. Accessed December 1, 2018.