Notoedres muris

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Notoedres muris
Class : Arachnids (arachnida)
Subclass : Mites (acari)
Cohort : Astigmata
Family : Sarcoptidae
Genre : Notoedres
Type : Notoedres muris
Scientific name
Notoedres muris
Mégnin , 1877

Notoedres muris (outdated name Notoedres notoedres ) is a representative of the mite that occurs as a permanent, stationary parasite , especially in rodents . It occurs in rats (→ mange of the rat ) and golden hamsters . The development cycle takes about three weeks.

N. muris is shaped like a turtle and has short legs, whereby the third and fourth pair of legs do not protrude over the side of the body. The mite is about 400 µm in size and therefore much larger than Notoedres cati . In addition, N. muris shows longitudinal stripes on the back. The anus on the back is further to the side than in the N. cati .


  • Wieland Beck, Nikola Pantchev: Practical Parasitology in Pets: Small Mammals - Birds - Reptiles - Bees . Schlütersche, 2006, ISBN 9783899930177 , pp. 96-98.