Nove Peak

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Nove Peak
height 1000  m
location Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Mountains Marescot Ridge
Coordinates 63 ° 32 '59 "  S , 58 ° 34' 12"  W Coordinates: 63 ° 32 '59 "  S , 58 ° 34' 12"  W.
Nove Peak (Antarctic Peninsula)
Nove Peak

The Nove Peak (English, Bulgarian връх Нове wrach Nowe ) is over 1000  m high and icy mountain in Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula . On the Trinity Peninsula, it rises 1.07 km north of Crown Peak , 6.57 km northeast of Corner Peak , 6.8 km south to east of Marescot Point and 4.52 km west-northwest of Lardigo Peak in the southern part of Marescot Ridge on. The Malorad Glacier is southwest of it.

German and British scientists carried out its mapping in 1996. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2010 after the ancient city of Nove in northern Bulgaria .

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