Nu (magazine)

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description Jewish culture magazine
language German
First edition 2000
Frequency of publication 4 times a year
Editor-in-chief Andrea Schurian
editor Working Group on the Jewish Forum
Web link
Article archive

Nu is an Austrian Jewish culture magazine that has been published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jewish Forum in Vienna since 2000 . The first edition is from May 2000; it is preceded by a zero number from April. The magazine appears four times a year at irregular intervals and the print version is available as a subscription and from selected sales partners.


The editors have made it their business to publish a medium that informs the Jewish community members about "the actual events in the IKG [Israelitische Kultusgemeinde]". The aim is for the magazine to be a “discussion forum that offers space for a wide variety of opinions on the subject of Judaism” and in which “critical voices that are currently not heard [,] […] or those who think differently […] can have their say”.


The name of the journal is explained in the April 2000 zero number as follows:

Nu ?!
Nu nu !!
What is the "Nu" about?
First, it rhymes with: Do and probably come from: Well.
Second, Nu belongs to the purest and most typical Yiddish, perhaps comparable to Oj!
Thirdly, it can be a lot: a complaint, a comment, a mocking, mischievous or malicious remark, a groan, a groan or a wail.
And fourth, it is an invitation.
Although it only consists of two letters, “Nu” can
mean so much: Nu? - what's new?
Nu? - what do you mean?
Nu. - so far so good ...
Nu ?! - can you imagine that?!
Nu !! - Do something!!"


In addition to the editor-in-chief Andrea Schurian , the authors include the director of the Jewish Museum Vienna Danielle Spera , the provenance researcher Sophie Lillie , the Falter journalist Barbara Tóth , the journalist Rainer Nowak and the journalist and columnist Christian Ortner .

In her role as chairman of the Association for the Jewish Forum , Danielle Spera is the editor of the magazine.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nu, Issue 1, May 2000 (PDF)
  2. Nu, Issue 0, April 2000 (PDF)
  3. ^ Website of the magazine - authors