Nudiantennarius subteres

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Nudiantennarius subteres
Drawing of the type specimen from the first description.

Drawing of the type specimen from the first description .

Order : Armfinch (Lophiiformes)
Subordination : Sensorfish-like (Antennarioidei)
Family : Frogfish (Antennariidae)
Subfamily : Antennariinae
Genre : Nudiantennarius
Type : Nudiantennarius subteres
Scientific name of the  genus
Schultz , 1957
Scientific name of the  species
Nudiantennarius subteres
( Smith & Radcliffe , 1912)

Nudiantennarius subteres is a species of fish from the frogfish family. For a long time it was known only from four specimens thatwere caughtover muddy seabeds at depths of 64 to 90 meters off the west coast of the Philippines island of Luzon and the Moluccan island of Ambon (Indonesia). In 2017 it turned out that the"Lembeh Frogfish" knownto many divers from the Lembeh Strait northeast of Sulawesi , which was originally thought to be a previously undescribed species of frogfish, was Nudiantennarius subteres . The way in 1912 by Hugh McCormick Smith and Lewis Radcliffe as Antennarius subteres described and 1957 Leonard P. Schultz in the monotypic genus Nudiantennarius provided.


The four first known specimens of Nudiantennarius subteres are between 1.70 and 6.40 cm long. They have the compact, laterally flattened body typical of frogfish. The skin is covered with very small, forked spines that also cover the second and third dorsal fin spines, but can only be seen on most of the body with a microscope. The fin membranes between the rays of the paired fins are deeply cut. All pectoral and pelvic rays are simple, all anal rays and the two to three posterior dorsal fin rays are divided into two parts, the outer ones of the caudal fin are simple and the inner seven are divided into two. The Illicium (the "Angel") is short, without spines and only reaches half the length of the second dorsal fin ray. The esca (the "bait") is clearly defined as a round, folded kump. The second dorsal fin ray is unusually long and narrow and does not have a fin membrane at the end. There is no pseudo- branch. The mesopterygoid, a bone between the pterygoid (wing bone) and metapterygoid, which is also part of the orbit, and an epurale, an elongated, free-standing bone in the caudal fin skeleton, are present. Preserved specimens are light brown and show a dark brown marble drawing on the top of the head and trunk. The animals photographed in Lembeh Street are dark, blackish, brownish or bluish, but can also be lighter and are then usually reddish to orange in color. In the back of the dorsal fin they show an eye spot .

Both morphological and molecular biological studies show that Nudiantennarius subteres is closely related to the Sargasso fish ( Histrio histrio ).

Way of life

In the Lembeh Straits, near Bali and on the Philippine island of Negros , Nudiantennarius subteres occurs at depths of 3 to 30 meters. Dark-colored specimens usually live on sandy or muddy bottoms, between soft corals, gorgonians and sponges, as well as filamentous and leaf-shaped algae, but also between garbage and garbage. Lighter animals with more noticeable colors are mostly seen between small sponges of similar colors. Nudiantennarius subteres goes through a pelagic larval stage before it becomes a fully grown fish.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Theodore W. Pietsch and RA Arnold (2017): The “Lembeh Frogfish” Identified: Redescription of Nudiantennarius subteres (Smith and Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912) (Teleostei: Lophiiformes: Antennariidae) . Copeia 105 (4): 659-665. doi: 10.1643 / CI-17-651
  2. ^ A b Theodore W. Pietsch and DB Grobecker: Frogfishes of the World: Systematics, Zoogeography, and Behavioral Ecology. Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-1263-8 Google Books .
  3. a b Nudiantennarius subteres on (English)

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