Numerius Fabius Buteo

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Numerius Fabius Buteo came from the Roman patrician family of the Fabians and was 247 BC. Chr. Consul .


The father and grandfather of Numerius Fabius Buteo were both called Marcus Fabius . In addition, the consul of the year 245 BC was BC, Marcus Fabius Buteo , a brother of Numerius Fabius Buteo.

247 BC Fabius was elected consul with Lucius Caecilius Metellus . At that time Rome was at war with Carthage ( First Punic War ), and in Sicily the Carthaginians could only defend two more important cities, Lilybaeum and Drepanum . Caecilius Metellus waged war against the first-named city, while Fabius went to siege Drepanum. He was able to take a small island, Pelias , and withstand the attacks of the Hamilcar there . He connected this island with the coast of Sicily and was able to attack a poorly secured area of ​​Drepanum. Nevertheless, he did not succeed in conquering the city. As of 224 BC His former consular colleague Caecilius Metellus headed the comitia as dictator , Fabius served him as Magister equitum .



  1. Fasti Capitolini
  2. Fasti Capitolini; among others
  3. Zonaras 8, 16
  4. Fasti Capitolini