Numerus Barcariorum

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The Numerus Barcariorum ( German  Numerus der Barcarii ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by an inscription.

Name components

  • Barcariorum : the Barcarii . A Barcarius was a soldier who was part of the crew of a small transport boat (Latin: Barca ) that was used for logistical tasks in the context of military river navigation.


The number was stationed in the province of Britannia in the 3rd century AD .


Locations of the number in Britannia inferior may have been:

  • Lancaster : The inscription (RIB 601) was found here.

Members of the number

A member of the numerus, Sabinu [s] , a Praepositus , is known from the inscription (RIB 601).

See also

Web links


  1. According to Marcus Reuter , the Barcarii were assigned from army units, not from the fleet.
  2. According to Marcus Reuter , the unit is probably not identical to the Numerus Barcariorum Tigrisiensium , which is listed in the Notitia dignitatum for the Arbeia location .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Marcus Reuter : Studies on the numbers of the Roman Army in the Middle Imperial Era, dissertation, In: Reports of the Roman-Germanic Commission 80, 1999, pp. 359–569, here pp. 430–432.