Only Ali Shushari

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Only Ali Shushari

Only Ali Schuschtari also Noor Ali Shooshtari or Shushtari (* approx. 1948 in Nischapur , † October 18, 2009 in Sistan and Baluchistan , Iran ) was a Brigadier General of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ( Pasdaran ).


Shushtari completed a military career with the Revolutionary Guard, in the 1990s commander of the 25th Division, most recently was Vice-Commander of the Land Forces of the Revolutionary Guard.

On October 18, 2009, 42 people died and 28 others were injured in a suicide attack on the paramilitary revolutionary guards in the border area with Pakistan . At least six leading commanders of the Revolutionary Guard were among the dead, including General Shushtari of the Pasdaran ground forces. The Sunni " Jundallah " (God's brigade), which has already detonated several car bombs, claimed responsibility for the attack . Iran blamed the United States for the attack.

Individual evidence

  1. FAZ.NET: Suspects arrested after the attack
  2. DER SPIEGEL: Suicide attack kills commanders of the Revolutionary Guard in Iran (October 18, 2010)
  3. NTV: Almost 50 dead in the Revolutionary Guard attack threatened with revenge (October 18, 2010)
  4. SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Attack kills commanders of the Revolutionary Guard (October 18, 2010)