Nuraghe Lò

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Nuraghe Lò

The Nuraghe Lò is a nuraghe in the municipality of Sorgono in the mountainous forested Mandrolisai in the province of Nuoro in Sardinia . Nuraghi are prehistoric and early historical towers of the Bonnanaro culture (2200–1600 BC) and the subsequent nuraghi culture (around 1600–400 BC) in Sardinia, which is inextricably linked with it .

The Tholosnuraghe stands on a ledge and has an elliptical ground plan. It dates from the 2nd millennium BC. And was between 1500 and 900 BC. Used. The Nuraghe Lò is a single standing tower called the mastio. The masonry consists of large blocks of granite arranged in irregular rows. The towering rock ledge partially replaces the masonry in the east. The trapezoidal entrance (1.63 × 0.75 m) in the north-west is crowned by a lintel with a window above. The corridor is slightly curved, has a cantilever vault and gradually rises in height towards the central chamber. The chamber, the tholos of which has partially collapsed, has a maximum remaining height of 4.5 m and a diameter of about 4.0 m. On the south side there is a niche of around 2.0 × 1.7 m.

The peculiarity of this nuraghe derives from the fact that in the wall of the chamber opposite the entrance side there is a short corridor with a large window. A similar arrangement can be found in the Nuraghe Ruju of Torralba .

See also


  • Giovanni Lilliu : I nuraghi. Torri preistoriche della Sardegna . La Zattera, Cagliari 1962.
  • Laura Lai, Matteo Sordini: 3D documentation of a megalithic building in Sardinia . In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2013 (CHNT 18, 2013), Museen der Stadt Wien - Stadtarchäologie, Vienna, 2014, ISBN 978-3-200-03676-5 .

Web links

Coordinates: 40 ° 2 ′ 3.8 ″  N , 9 ° 4 ′ 29.6 ″  E