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The Oder Bank is centrally located in the Pomeranian Bay located shoal of Baltic . It is a sandbank that is constantly washed over by sea water and is 5 to 10 meters deep. The area of ​​the Oderbank is about 1102 km². It has a north-south extension of about 35 kilometers. It reaches its greatest east-west extension with about 25 kilometers in the northern area.

The Oderbank was created by the rise in sea ​​level after the end of the last Ice Age (see →  Littorina Transgression ) as a result of the flooding of an extensive dune complex . In addition to its size, it differs from other shallows off the German Baltic Sea coast, which are covered with coarse residual sediments from the Ice Age, due to its uniform structure.

The Oderbank was proposed for the European Natura 2000 protected area system. Because of its abundant feeding grounds, it forms an important resting and feeding area for sea birds. Here are star and black-throated diver , hood , Rothals- and grebes , long-tailed ducks , velvet and common scoters and red-breasted mergansers and black guillemot ago. It is a spawning and growing area for flat fish such as flounder and turbot . Higher concentrations of harbor porpoises were spotted in the area of ​​the Oderbank during their mating and calving season.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bathymetry of the inner and outer sea waters
  2. Resting and feeding areas for sea birds
  3. Fish fauna

Coordinates: 54 ° 15 '  N , 14 ° 26'  E