Olaf Francke

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Olaf Francke (born October 2, 1965 in Kiel ) is a German author and Thelemit .


He was editor of the occult and magical online magazine AHA , which was previously founded and published by the Thelema Society , and runs the small publishing house AHA! . Francke was a member of the Antiquus Mysticus Ordo Rosae Crucis and Ordo Saturni . In 1991 he founded the Fraternitas Catena Aurea order , of which Michael D. Eschner was a member. In 2005 there was a cooperation with Karl-Friedrich Frey ( Akron ) for the book "Akrons Crowley Tarot Guide". It was planned that both authors would publish this book together. In the course of the work, the authors fell apart and Francke got his publishing rights back. Following a judgment of the District Court of Leipzig of 2008, Francke, Frey did not oblige nachzusagen longer that he had for the book he was under the pseudonym of Akron in king-Urania Verlag , published in his plagiarized . In return, Akron had to acknowledge that parts of his book are based on Francke's work. Francke published his part of the work The 49 Paths of Wisdom in his own publishing house in 2017.

In 2010 Francke joined the Christian Missionary Anglican Communion and was ordained a bishop there in 2012 . He took over the representation of Archbishop M. Schmidt. From 2015 to 2017 he wrote the trilogy "The New Order" with Neidthard Kupfer under his pseudonym Simon Rothenstein. He has been running the Stoerenfried blog since 2020 , where, among other things, he critically deals with conspiracy theories.

Francke was married twice, has a total of 8 children and now lives in Beldorf .


as Olaf Francke

as Simon Rothenstein (co-author Neidthard Kupfer)

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. ezw-berlin.de ezw-berlin.de
  2. AHA -The Magickal Observer 02/2008, p.16 (PDF)
  3. ^ LG Leipzig judgment on December 4, 2008, Az. 08O1735 / 08 (PDF)
  4. Appointment as deputy (PDF)
  5. in nwoorg