Olav F. Wehling

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Olav F. Wehling (* 1978 in Hamburg ) is a German film director and screenwriter .


After Olav F. Wehling worked in Hamburg as a production and director's assistant at the end of the 1990s and made several experimental , advertising and short films , he went to Ludwigsburg . There he studied film directing with a focus on scenic film at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy from 2002 to 2008 . He completed his studies with the feature film Kronos. End and beginning as a thesis .

Olav F. Wehling lives in Berlin .

Filmography (selection)


Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize 2006

  • Nomination for the Max Ophüls Prize for Futschicato

Festival of German Films 2006

  • Winner of the Film Art Award in the Special Award category for Futschicato

Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize 2009

  • Nomination for the Max Ophüls Prize for Kronos. End and beginning

Web links


  1. Official website for the film