Olavo Egídio de Souza Aranha Jùnior

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Olavo Egídio de Souza Aranha Jùnior (born February 1, 1887 in São Paulo , † July 22, 1972 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian building contractor .


Olavo Egídio de Souza Aranha Jùnior was the son of Vicentina de Sousa Queirós de Sousa Aranha and Olavo Egídio de Sousa Aranha . He attended the secondary school of the Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium Hamburg in the district of Wandsbek and graduated from the Polytechnische Lehranstalt in 1904. From 1905 he completed an accountant training and studied from 1909 to 1910 architecture and engineering at the École polytechnique Paris.

In 1919 he and Sérgio Alberto Monteiro de Carvalho e Silva founded the Cia Técnica Brasileira de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura as Monteiro & Aranha Engenharia Comérci e Indústria (today Grupo Monteiro Aranha ), based in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In Rio de Janeiro, the construction company realized numerous buildings, including the Pavilhão de Honra da França on the Exposição Internacional do Centenário da Independência and the Academia Brasileira de Letras, which has already been dismantled .

Aranha played an essential role in the industrialization of Brazil in the automotive industry. In a company with Joquim Monteiro de Carvalho, the son of his business partner Sérgio Alberto, and with Volkswagen do Brasil Ltda. In 1951 he set up a Completely Knocked Down and an assembly line for the VW Brasil in São Paulo .

Individual evidence

  1. Sylvia Ficher, Os arquitetos da Poli: ensino e profissão em São Paulo , p. 140