Oldřich Daněk

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Oldřich Daněk (born January 16, 1927 in Ostrava , † September 3, 2000 in Prague ) was a Czech playwright, writer, director and screenwriter.


After graduating from high school in Ostrava, he studied at DAMU . While still studying, after 1945, he played in the Petr Bezruč Theater ( Divadlo Petra Bezruče ) in Ostrava. After graduating, he became a director at the Klicperovo divadlo in Hradec Králové . Since 1954 he has been the artistic director of the FX Šaldy Theater in Liberec . In 1957 the collaboration with the Barrandov film studios began , first as a screenwriter and later as a director . In 1973 he began to write full-time.

His dramas have morality as their main theme, and the author is always on the side of classical moral principles. In addition to full-length feature films, he also shot television series. He wrote several radio plays for the radio.


  • -, Lucie Taubová (transl.): Dialogue on the eve of a court hearing. Radio play. Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel 1967.
  • -, Lucie Taubová (translator): I'm going back to Prague. One of the common occurrences in the history of this country . Desch, Munich / Vienna (among others) 1970. (German premiere on March 25, 1971, Theater in der Josefstadt .)
    • -, Just Gustav (translator): King Ohnehelm. Historical novel (Král bez prilby). Verlag der Nation, Berlin 1977


  • 1959: The Ugly Miss (Ošklivá slečna) - director and screenplay
  • 1960: Right to Love (Tři tuny prachu) - director and screenplay
  • 1962: Look in the Eyes (Pohled do očí) - director and screenplay
  • 1963: Please don't wake up! (Prosím, nebudit!) - Screenplay
  • 1963: Ride of the Hussites (Spanilá jízda) - director
  • 1967: The end of the secret agent W4C (Konec agenta W4C prostřednictvím psa pana Foustky) - screenplay

Individual evidence

  1. Permalink German National Library .
  2. Permalink Austrian Library Association .
  3. The Josefstadtbühnen in March (...) In the presence of the author, takes place on March 25th (...) In: Arbeiter-Zeitung , February 19, 1971, p. 14, top left.


  1. 1970 as a television play Transplantation (screenplay: Maria Fuss) filmed with O. W. Fischer . - See: “Transplantation” on TV today. It's a kidney . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna May 27, 1970, p. 9 , middle left ( berufer-zeitung.at - the open online archive - digitized). And: Günther Poidinger: if you ask me . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna May 30, 1970, p. 7 , top right ( berufer-zeitung.at - the open online archive - digitized).

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