Oliver George Hutchinson

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Oliver George Hutchinson (born May 6, 1891 in Belfast , † April 1944 ) was an Irish entrepreneur.

The son of Samuel Corbett Hutchinson († November 29, 1925), an engine dealer, went to a technical school in Belfast. After finishing school he went to Scotland as an apprentice , where he worked for a time at the Scottish automobile manufacturer Argyll Motors , where John Logie Baird also worked for a while.

From 1922 he met Baird in competition in the soap market, one with Baird's Speedy Cleaner , the other with Hutchinson's Rapid Washer . In 1925 he joined the Baird Television Development Company as a partner and managing director . The later meaning of the name Baird in television technology is in large part due to the use of Hutchinsons.

When Baird founded the joint venture TV AG on June 11, 1929 with Siegmund Loewe , Robert Bosch GmbH and Zeiss Ikon , Hutchinson became one of the four directors of the new company.

supporting documents

  1. Jump up ↑ Headstones: DOWN, Parish Church of St. Malachy, Graveyard, CoI, Hillsborough. (txt) Retrieved July 15, 2018 .
  2. ^ Donald F. McLean: Restoring Baird's image . In: History of technology . Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2000, ISBN 0-85296-795-0 , pp. 172 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. Michael Keeble Buckland: Emanuel Goldberg and his knowledge machine: information, invention, and political forces . In: New directions in information management . Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, ISBN 0-89789-978-4 , pp. 136–137 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).

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