Oliver Georgi

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Oliver Georgi (born October 21, 1977 in Hamburg ) is a German author and journalist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung .


Oliver Georgi grew up in Koblenz . He wrote for the Rhein-Zeitung before studying politics, history and German literature in Marburg and Freiburg. After studying and receiving a scholarship for young journalists from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (JONA) , he volunteered at the Saarbrücker Zeitung from 2004 onwards . In 2006 he switched to Axel Springer Verlag to help set up the editorial office of Die Welt Kompakt Saarland and to manage it shortly thereafter. In 2007 he returned to the "Saarbrücker Zeitung" as one of three news chiefs. In 2008, he moved to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as an editor and was responsible for news management at FAZ.NET . In October 2015 he joined the political editorship of the FAZ. There he mainly writes about German domestic politics.

Works (selection)

  • And the phrase pig greets you every day. Why politicians don't speak plain language - and why that's also up to us. Dudenverlag Berlin 2019, ISBN 3-411-71776-9 .
  • The grotesque in literature and advertising. ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-89821-253-3 .
  • Julia Franck. In: Critical Lexicon of Contemporary German Literature (KLG), edition text and criticism, Munich 2008

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Editing: Oliver Georgi. In: FAZ. Retrieved March 24, 2019 .