Oliver Schweigert

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Oliver Carsten Schweigert (* 1968 ) is a German neo-Nazi living in Berlin and a supporter of the SA ( Sturmabteilung ) who, among other things, organized memorial events relating to Horst Wessel .


Schweigert developed into a confidante of Michael Kühnen in the 1980s . In the community of supporters of the New Front he was appointed "Area Manager East". He was also chairman of the National Alternative . In Berlin, Schweigert ran as a single candidate in the election to the Berlin House of Representatives in 1990 and received 0.2% of the vote. In 1992 he ran for the right-wing extremist electoral alliance Free Voting Community Die Nationalen in the election for the Berlin District Council .

Schweigert was considered an anti-antifa activist with his own “anti-antifa card”. He was active in the comradeship scene and networked in the National and Social Action Alliance for Central Germany . There he was responsible for the website of the National Resistance Berlin-Brandenburg (NWBB) for many years.

In August 1994 he and 25 other people were arrested in the attic of the corner house in Osloer Strasse / Prinzenallee (Berlin-Wedding) above the apartment of the neo-Nazi cadre Arnulf Priem . On the occasion of the annual international Rudolf Hess memorial demonstrations , there was an anti-fascist demonstration in 1994 with the aim of Arnulf Priem's ​​apartment, which was forbidden by the competent court. Priem and the core of the militant Berlin neo-Nazi scene had holed up in the attic of the large corner building. Journalists standing on the street in front of the house were shot at with twins, which led to the storming of the house and the arrest of the neo-Nazis Heinrich Axt, Marcus Alexander Bischoff, Kay Diesner , Detlef Cholewa (since 1996 Detlef Nolde), Enno Gehrmann, Wolfgang Kaiser, Marco Lau, Andreas Lück, Katrin Maut, Matthias Morell, Matthias Ridderskamp, ​​Hans-Jörg Rückert, Mike Schildt, Ronald Dieter Spieker, Yvon Susann Starke and the Zwillenschützen and later, among other things, operator of the " National Info Phone Berlin " Oliver Werner arrested because of pipe bomb possession led.

In 1996 he was sentenced to four months probation, among other things he kept propaganda material of the NSDAP-AO in stock. In 2000 he registered a later forbidden demonstration in memory of Rudolf Hess . He is also considered a supporter of Horst Wessel .

From August 1999 to 2001, Schweigert attended a training course to become an IT system electronics technician.

Between 2004 and 2006 he came into conflict with the Autonomous Nationalists , whom he accused of lack of discipline. He also wrote an open letter about the " hip-hop music" played in Berlin at two demonstrations. Since these open conflicts, Schweigert has mostly only been present as a steward at right-wing extremist demonstrations.

He has been active on the Internet as Mjoelnir14 for years . As a blogger and on social media . So on Facebook, VK and since 2010 on Twitter.

Private life

Schweigert was married to Stella Palau , the former NPD chairman of Berlin and co-founder of the Skingirl Freundeskreis Deutschland. The wedding took place on April 20, 2000, the 111th birthday of Adolf Hitler . After the divorce, his ex-wife married the right-wing extremist songwriter and politician Jörg Hähnel .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Spannbauer: The Marathon Nazi. In: taz.de . February 22, 2000, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  2. a b c d Oliver Schweigert . In: Thomas Grumke and Bernd Wagner (eds.): Handbuch Rechtsradikalismus . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3399-5 , p. 325-328 .
  3. ^ The "National Alternative" (NA) in transition. In: Antifascist information sheet 20 / 5.1992. January 12, 1993, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  4. Jan Schedler, Alexander Häusler (Ed.): Autonomous Nationalists: Neo-Nazism in Movement. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-93219-4 (publisher link) .
  5. ^ Report on the Berlin neo-Nazi Arnulf Priem. (YouTube video, 3:29 minutes) In: Berliner Abendschau. August 1994, accessed April 1, 2020 . Antifa demo against Arnulf Priem and Hess memorial march. (YouTube video, 4:46 minutes) News and reports from various television stations, August 13, 1994, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  6. Rudolf-Heß-Gedenkmarsch 1994. In: Antifaschistisches Infoblatt 28 / 4.1994. January 4, 1995, accessed April 1, 2020 . Isolated and radicalized: the Berlin neo-Nazi scene. In: Antifascist info sheet 92 / 3.2011. September 15, 2011, accessed April 1, 2020 . Right-wing terror in Berlin-Neukölln. In: Antifascist info sheet 119 / 2.2018. August 29, 2018, accessed April 1, 2020 . Acquittal for Oliver Werner. (pdf; 176 kB) In: circular from apabiz e. V. No. 8 January 2003, p. 2 , accessed on April 1, 2020 : “Berlin The neo-Nazi Oliver Werner had to go to court in autumn because he allegedly attacked a person in the Wilmersdorf district on November 20, 2000 with a baton who have just removed NPD stickers. The proceedings against the well-known neo-Nazi ended with an acquittal for lack of evidence, since the victim could not immediately identify Werner during an initial confrontation and Werner's mother certified that he was with her at the time of the crime. Werner was a member of the now banned Nationalist Front and active in the anti-antifa. In 1994 he shot a journalist from the roof of Nazi rocker Arnulf Priem with a twin. A few months later, the police found bomb-making instructions in his backpack. During a subsequent house search, four almost finished pipe bombs, circuits for building detonators and black powder were found. Werner is currently in custody for other offenses. "

  7. Is neo-Nazi leader Oliver Schweigert preparing internet activities? In: apabiz.de . August 17, 2000, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  8. Oliver Schweigert: Statement on the memorial march in Magdeburg on January 15, 2005: Lies have short legs! "Autonomous nationalist" show me yours. (pdf; 95 kB) National and Social Action Alliance for Central Germany Action Office Berlin, January 17, 2005, accessed on April 1, 2020 .
  9. Oliver Schweigert: Criticism of the events at the Berlin demonstrations on November 20, 2004 and December 4, 2004. (pdf; 100 kB) National and Social Action Alliance for Central Germany Action Office Berlin, December 6, 2004, accessed on April 1, 2020 . Camaraderie gate . In: Antifa-Recherche Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Fight Back . No.
     3 , 2006, p. 13 .
  10. Hahnel (née Palau), Stella. In: Belltower.News . April 3, 2008, accessed April 1, 2020 .